Philadelphia Probation Violation Won
The first time in 32 years, I am 100% free - wow, this is a great feeling - no more worries, no more locked doors - this morning, me, my wife, and my sharp attorney, from LLF Law Firm, went into the courtroom to fight Philadelphia probation and parole officer, [G.F] - that's the devil of a parole officer I (had). She gave me a false positive urine on 6/6/2018 but because my wife is so sharp, my attorney is so sharp, and I won't lie down for Nothing, we requested a gagnon hearing and went head up with the Philadelphia Probation Department, and the outcome was termination of probation/parole. Yes, that's right - the system and [G.F.] tried so hard to tarnish me, but I will not fail - I will prosper and this afternoon I am a free man - I can go and come as I please - thank you, LLF Law Firm, thank you to my beautiful wife Sarah, and thank you God. I must say this is a great feeling and this is a great day - one small step for me, one huge step for my future. I don't think people realize how hard the system is to overcome and beat, but if you put your mind to it and you do exactly what you're supposed to do it can be done !!!!!!! To probation officer [G.F.] it was nice knowing you - I guess it didn't work out for you - ha ha - we shed light on the system today in courtroom 1003. We showed them that the system will take advantage of you if you let it, that the system does lie, and that they do abuse their powers, but if you put your mind to it and you have a great attorney and amazing support system like I have, and I sure as hell couldn't have been done without God.