A now-former middle school teacher has been accused of sending a single nude image of himself to a student. According to one report, the teacher claims to have sent the image to the student by mistake. The teacher has been charged with two felony counts of disseminating explicit sex material to a minor and unlawful contact with a minor and a misdemeanor count for corruption of minors.
Pennsylvania laws relating to interactions between adults and minors are strict. Even accidental interactions involving the transmission of obscene materials can result in serious charges, such as those that the defendant is facing in the case reported in the article. If you've been charged with a sex-related crime, whether it involves a minor or not, you need the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. The LLF Law Firm's Criminal Defense Team can help. Call us today at 888.535.3686 or use our contact form to schedule a confidential consultation.
The Allegations Against the Former Teacher
News reports state that the defendant admitted sending a former student a full frontal nude picture via the Snapchat app in June of 2024, which the student said he received while on a camping trip with his family. According to the defendant, he had never previously messaged the student on Snapchat, despite having added the student to his Snapchat the previous year. The defendant claims that he didn't intend for the student to receive the nude image of himself and that it was intended for another recipient with a similar user name.
The defendant was asked by police to turn over his phone but, according to one article, never did so. As a result, the police have not seen the photo that the student claims to have received (and that the defendant admitted sending, though he alleges by mistake).
You Need a Strong Defense if Accused of Sex-Related Crimes Involving Minors
The defendant is facing two 3rd-degree felony counts, either of which could end up sending him to jail for up to 7 years. In addition, he could be required to register as a sex offender for ten years after his release. This highlights how serious it can be if you're accused of any sexual-related conduct involving a minor. It also highlights how important it is to retain an experienced criminal defense attorney, one who knows Pennsylvania's criminal laws and procedures and who can effectively fight to defend you from the charges you're facing.
The LLF Law Firm Can Help Defend You Against Serious Criminal Charges
The LLF Law Firm's Criminal Defense Team has decades of experience defending clients accused of serious crimes all across Pennsylvania. We know what it takes to protect the rights of our clients and to make sure that prosecutors play by the rules. If you've been charged with any kind of sex crime (including the obscene materials and unlawful contact charges in this case), but especially one involving a minor, you need the kind of experience on your side that our attorneys can deliver. We will fight to defend you against the charges you face and will be in your corner from day one.
Call the LLF Law Firm's Criminal Defense Team today at 888.535.3686 or use our contact form to schedule a confidential consultation. Don't delay – the sooner we get involved, the more we can help!
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