Bonnie Louise Gingrich, a 38-year-old teacher at Shalom Christian Academy in Chambersburg, Franklin County, has been charged with four felonies, including sexual contact with a student, corruption of minors, and two counts of unlawful contact with a minor. The charges stem from incidents between November 2023 and March 2024.
On March 30, state police were alerted by a Childline report about Gingrich's inappropriate interactions with a student. The student, during an interview at the Child Advocacy Center, disclosed that Gingrich had reached out to them electronically and later engaged in physical contact, including hugging, kissing, and inappropriate touching at the school. Gingrich also messaged the student, suggesting they meet after school and encouraging them to create secret chat accounts and delete their messages to avoid detection. Gingrich posted an unsecured bail of $50,000 for release from prison.
If you are facing criminal charges in Pennsylvania for sexual misconduct with a minor or facing a ChildLine investigation, you need highly experienced lawyers representing you. Contact the skilled attorneys of the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team immediately to ensure that your rights are protected and your side of the story is heard. Contact us today at 888.535.3686 or through our online contact form to discuss your case.
What Is Childline?
Pennsylvania's ChildLine and Abuse Registry is a child protective services program designed to receive referrals related to child abuse and child well-being concerns. The initiative allows people to report suspected abuse by phone or electronically 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What Happens Someone Makes an Allegation to ChildLine?
Intake caseworkers fielding ChildLine calls will assess the allegation then take the most appropriate next step. This step may include dismissing the report or forwarding it to an appropriate county agency, such as Children, Youth and Families (CYF), for further investigation. If they believe a crime has been committed or the child appears to be in imminent danger, the caseworker will call the police. If CYF or another agency decides to investigate the report, you will receive a notice informing you of the investigation.
What Happens if I Receive Notice That I'm Being Investigated?
An agency caseworker may conduct a home visit, announced or unannounced, and conduct interviews with people within your sphere, including family members, school staff, co-workers, and others who may have seen you interact with the alleged victim. They will also interview the alleged victim and determine the safety and future risk to children with whom you have proximity.
Following the investigation, the caseworker will categorize the findings as "founded," "unfounded," or "indicated" and report back to ChildLine. If they determine the findings "founded" or "indicated" determination, your name will be placed on the ChildLine abuse registry.
Appearing on the registry could have serious consequences, such as being ineligible for certain jobs and educational programs, losing custody of your children, or even being able to pick them up at school or attend their field trips. However, you do have the right to appeal.
What Happens if ChildLine Calls the Police?
If the ChildLine caseworker refers the abuse allegations to law enforcement, you are likely to face an immediate investigation for possible criminal charges.
Hire Our Experienced Pennsylvania Criminal Defense Lawyers
If you're being investigated by ChildLine or Pennsylvania criminal charges have been brought against you for alleged sexual misconduct with a minor, it's critical that you retain a highly experienced and knowledgeable lawyer immediately. Even a slight delay could compromise your case and your rights. Contact experienced lawyers of the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team today. We will help you craft a strong defense and seek to achieve the best possible result. Call us at 888.535.3686 today or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
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