Every time you attempt to get a new job, your prospective employers will look you up on the internet. When they “Google” you, any past arrest or conviction could pop up. Unfortunately, there is no time limit on online profiles. It doesn't matter if you committed the crime ten years ago or yesterday, it will more than likely show up. And when it does, you will have to explain to your prospective employers, or future romantic partners, what happened. But don't worry, there are ways to ensure these legal entanglements stop popping up.
Mount an Early and Dynamic Defense
The best thing you can do after you are arrested is to work with a skilled criminal defense attorney to create a strong defense. The earlier you implement this defense, the more likely it is to prevent you from being found responsible for the crime. If you are not found responsible for the crime, your legal issue is less likely to show up online.
In Pennsylvania, expungements are court orders that direct a court or law enforcement agency to destroy your court and administrative criminal history record relating to a particular charge or conviction. If you are found responsible for the alleged crime, you will have an opportunity to have your record expunged. Once your record is expunged, it will not show up on internet searches, and you may request websites to remove your mug shot or arrest notices.
Attorney Negotiations
Additionally, experienced criminal defense attorneys know that negotiation with online news sources is one of the best ways to have the story updated or removed from their servers. When the story is updated, anyone who has looked you up on the internet will get better facts and reporting on what actually happened. And if the story is removed, they will never have to know about the issue.
How a Skilled Defense Attorney Can Help
Anytime you are “Googled,” a report of your alleged crime may pop-up, whether this is a news article or a link to the court of clerks in your area. But don't fret, a skilled attorney can help you mitigate these negative consequences by negotiating with news sources on your behalf, successfully defending you from the crime, and helping to have your record expunged at the applicable time. Our Criminal Law Team and the LLF Law Firm has years of experience helping individuals recover their online identities. If you or someone you know is worried about their online profile being tarnished by legal issues, call 888-535-3686 today or schedule a consultation online.
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