Childline Referral Investigation Defense in Warren County, PA

If you are raising children, you know the process is intensely rewarding. However, it sometimes has intense moments where emotions between you and your child can be at a fever pitch. What you may not realize is that anyone who witnessed one of these moments can anonymously refer you to the Pennsylvania ChildLine for a child abuse investigation. ChildLine calls originating in Warren County are investigated by Warren County Children and Youth Services.

Are you under investigation for abuse or neglect due to a ChildLine referral call that originated in Warren County? If the answer is yes, your next move is crucial. Warren County Children and Youth Services have wide-ranging discretion in child abuse and neglect investigations. They can take your children and refer you for criminal prosecution. Call the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team at 888-535-3686 or contact us confidentially to protect your rights.

What Is the Childline and How Does It Work?

Pennsylvania's Childline was established to help the state and its counties maintain the welfare of all its children. It is a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week reporting system that allows anyone to anonymously report what they believe to be abuse or neglect to authorities without fear of reprisal. Once a call is referred, the county child services department with jurisdiction must investigate and report.

The consequences for parents under investigation can be incredibly severe. If the investigator believes they uncover enough evidence to substantiate the allegations, you could lose custody of your child and your freedom. In extreme cases, you can also be put in a statewide database of known child abusers.

The Pennsylvania ChildLine Registry

Having your name reported to the Pennsylvania Childline Registry is one of the most dire potential outcomes of a Childline investigation. The Childline Registry is a statewide database of people who are known to abuse or neglect children. If your name is placed in this database, you will likely lose custody of your children. Your career will also be adversely affected because certain employers can check your name in this database during background investigations.

Warren County Child Services investigators can report your name to the Childline Registry if their investigation uncovers enough evidence of abuse or neglect for the investigator to decide that the allegations are “founded,” or “indicated.” A final ruling of “founded” is the most serious and could also result in criminal charges. In either case, it is difficult to remove your name from the Childline Registry once you have been reported to it.

These consequences are in addition to the possibility of losing your child. Complicating matters further is the fact that Warren County Children and Youth Services' primary mission is advocating for your child's wellbeing, not yours. That doesn't mean you don't have rights in a ChildlLine investigation, but it is possible that Warren County Children and Youth Services may infringe on those rights during an investigation.

Protect your rights by getting the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team involved with your case as soon as possible. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to fighting for your rights, and we will make sure Warren County Child Services respects those rights during the investigative process. Contact us for a confidential consultation immediately after finding out you're being investigated due to a ChildLine referral.

The Inner Workings of a ChildLine Investigation

Even though the Pennsylvania Dept of Human Services maintains ChildLine, they will not typically be the investigating agency. If the referral originated in Warren County, ChildLine will assign it to Warren County Children and Youth Services, who will name an investigator to look deeper into the allegations. The first step will be to determine whether the initial allegation has enough credibility to be investigated further.

If Warren County's investigator believes that is the case, they will conduct an official investigation, which must be concluded within 60 days. Once a formal investigation has begun, the investigator will begin gathering evidence. This process usually starts with notifying you that you are under investigation and then interviewing you regarding the allegations. Other people the investigator may interview include:

  • Your child
  • Your relatives
  • Your spouse, current romantic partner, or any exes
  • Your neighbors
  • Your child's friends
  • Your child's teachers

One of the confusing aspects of ChildLine investigations is that you are not necessarily under criminal suspicion at the outset of the investigation. Choosing to remain silent during questioning could be taken by the investigator as a signal that you are hiding something. However, the investigator could still refer your case to Warren County authorities for prosecution if you incriminate yourself during their interview.

Considering that ChildLine cases could expose you to criminal liability, it's in your best interest to have the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team on your side as early as possible in the investigation process. We can help advise you on who to talk to and how to answer without accidentally incriminating yourself or hurting your case. Most importantly, we'll ensure that you have an advocate who is looking out for your best interests.

Larger Implications for Licensed Professionals

The stakes are incredibly high in any ChildLine investigation, but they are even higher if you are a licensed professional under investigation for child abuse or neglect. ChildLine investigators can and will advise your licensing authority regarding your investigation. If the investigator believes you have committed abuse, Warren County may strip you of your custodial rights while your licensing agency suspends your professional license.

What Can Lead to a ChildLine Investigation?

The purpose of ChildLine is to give citizens who witness alleged acts of abuse or neglect an outlet to report without them having to get directly involved. With that said, there is a long list of potential behaviors that a total stranger can interpret as abuse or neglect and make a ChildLine referral. Those behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Unsafe conditions in the home (e.g., gross lack of cleanliness, insufficient food or water supplies, or any other potential safety hazard)
  • Excessive punishment
  • Substance abuse (e.g., alcohol or drugs) by the child's guardian or other adult in the child's home
  • Improper supervision
  • Failure to render proper medical care
  • Excessive absence from school

The problem with many of these potential examples of neglect or abuse is that they are all subject to interpretation by the person who makes a ChildLine referral. This opens the door for cultural differences or highly emotional moments to be viewed in a completely different light than what you remember. It's also why you can't afford to just hope for the best or assume the truth will set you free in a ChildLine investigation.

Remember, Warren County is not advocating for your best interests. If they have the slightest reason to believe that abuse or neglect has taken place, they are much more likely to suspend your custodial rights. However, the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team will protect your due process rights and actively look for evidence to refute the charges. We are here as your advocates, and that's an important distinction in a ChildLine Investigation.

Anonymous Reporting to the ChildLine

ChildLine's policy of allowing anonymous reporting can certainly be of benefit to abused or neglected children, but it can also result in investigations into the actions of good parents and guardians. Unfortunately, you won't have any real recourse against anyone who makes a ChildLine referral, even if Warran County Children and Youth Services rules in your favor. So, your best defense is to contact our team and let us protect your rights.

Mandated Reporting and ChildLine Investigations

People you encounter in your everyday life are free to choose whether to make a ChildLine referral for suspected abuse or neglect. They are known as “permissive reporters.” However, Pennsylvania law places an additional responsibility on certain people that requires them to report any incident they reasonably believe to be child abuse or neglect. These public servants are known as “Mandated Reporters.”

Examples of mandated reporters include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Medical professionals
  • Schoolteachers
  • Mental health professionals
  • Social workers
  • Members of the clergy or other religious officials

Almost anyone who works with children during the normal course of their professional duties may be a mandated reporter. Unlike permissive reporters, mandated reporters must give their names to ChildLine, but that information remains confidential. Pennsylvania law also shields mandated reporters from liability as long as they don't knowingly make a false report.

Mandated Reporters Are Not Infallible

Pennsylvania's mandated reporting requirement means something as simple as taking your child to the doctor for a skateboarding injury could lead their pediatrician to suspect abuse and make a referral. The important thing to understand is that regardless of who made the referral, Warren County Children and Youth Services must investigate. With that said, Warren County may view a ChildLine referral from a mandated reporter as having more credibility.

Despite their status as public servants or medical professionals, mandated reporters are not infallible. An erroneous good-faith ChildLine referral could result in you losing your custody rights if you don't have the benefit of our Criminal Defense Team to stand up for your rights and challenge the allegations. The odds are always stacked in favor of the state in a ChildLine referral case. We can help you level the playing field.

Final Results of a ChildLine Referral Case

There are three potential results of a ChildLine investigation:

  • Unfounded
  • Indicated
  • Founded

A final ruling of unfounded means the investigator did not uncover conclusive evidence of abuse or neglect. This is the best of all worlds for you and your parental rights because it will result in the investigation being closed with no further action. A ruling of indicated means that the Warren County investigator believes some form of neglect or abuse has occurred. This ruling could result in you losing custody of your children and other adverse consequences.

A final ruling of founded is the worst possible result for you. This means the investigator has not only uncovered what they believe is conclusive evidence of neglect, but they also believe the abuse or neglect rises to the level of a criminal offense. Your case cannot be ruled as “founded” unless a Warren County judge or jury has found you guilty of abuse or neglect.

After a ruling of founded, Warren County Children and Youth Services will move to strip you of your custody rights and refer your name to the ChildLine Registry. Your presence in that database will likely prohibit you from holding a professional license or renewing any professional licenses you possess. The possibility of criminal charges is why we strongly recommend you call the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team immediately after learning you are under investigation.

How to Handle a Warren County ChildLine Referral Investigation

Discovering that you are the subject of a ChildLine investigation can come as quite a shock, but there are things you can do to protect yourself from the outset. It's important to remember that although Warren County Children and Youth Services investigators have broad discretion in investigations, you do have the following rights:

  • The right to legal representation
  • The right to notification that you are the subject of a ChildLine referral investigation
  • The right to have legal representation during any interactions with Warren County officials, including meetings, or interviews (both formal and informal).
  • The right to request Warren County to amend or expunge the ChildLine investigation ruling.

The investigator handling your case is legally obligated to make you aware of your rights. However, it remains up to you to defend those rights. Cases of child abuse and neglect can evoke strong emotions that lead investigators or caseworkers to ignore the rights of the accused or make an erroneous conclusion. That's why having the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team representing you from the start is so important.

The Aftermath of a ChildLine Investigation

Your life going forward after a ChildLine referral investigation will hinge heavily on the result. To that end, Warren County does have legal obligations to you after their investigation is concluded. They must:

  • Advise you of the final result of the investigation and whether a child abuse report will be made
  • Make you aware of your right to ask Warren County to amend or expunge a ruling of indicated or founded
  • Make you aware of your right to request that your name be taken off the ChildLine Registry
  • Make you aware of the potential ramifications of a negative ruling with respect to future employment or career options

Most importantly, Warren County must make you aware of your right to appeal a negative ruling within 90 days. You must also be informed of your right to request a formal hearing during your appeal. Warren County will be responsible for presenting the evidence they gathered and proving their case against you at this hearing.

How Can the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team Help in Warren County ChildLine Cases?

Here at the LLF Law Firm, we know how strong the bond is between parent and child. We have successfully fought for parents' rights in Warren County and all over Pennsylvania. Our team is committed to defending your custodial rights, your right to due process, and your reputation in any ChildLine investigation. We don't just dispute the County's evidence; we actively look for evidence to present in your favor.

We know we are fighting for your future, and we will explore legal avenues available to maximize your chances of a positive outcome. Our Criminal Defense Team has the knowledge and the experience to make a meaningful impact on your case, and we won't rest until we do that. It's scary to be under a ChildLine investigation, but it doesn't have to be the end of the world.

Our team fights for you at every stage of the process, and it is our honor to defend your parental rights. You don't have to face Warren County ChildLine investigators alone. Complete our confidential online consultation form or call the LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team at 888-535-3686.

Contact Us Today!

The LLF Law Firm Team has decades of experience successfully resolving clients' criminal charges in Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania counties. If you are having any uncertainties about what the future may hold for you or a loved one, contact the LLF Law Firm today! Our Criminal Defense Team will go above and beyond the needs of any client, and will fight until the final bell rings.

This website was created only for general information purposes. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice for any situation. Only a direct consultation with a licensed Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York attorney can provide you with formal legal counsel based on the unique details surrounding your situation. The pages on this website may contain links and contact information for third party organizations - the Lento Law Firm does not necessarily endorse these organizations nor the materials contained on their website. In Pennsylvania, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout Pennsylvania's 67 counties, including, but not limited to Philadelphia, Allegheny, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Schuylkill, and York County. In New Jersey, attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New Jersey's 21 counties: Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren County, In New York, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New York's 62 counties. Outside of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, unless attorney Joseph D. Lento is admitted pro hac vice if needed, his assistance may not constitute legal advice or the practice of law. The decision to hire an attorney in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania counties, New Jersey, New York, or nationwide should not be made solely on the strength of an advertisement. We invite you to contact the Lento Law Firm directly to inquire about our specific qualifications and experience. Communicating with the Lento Law Firm by email, phone, or fax does not create an attorney-client relationship. The Lento Law Firm will serve as your official legal counsel upon a formal agreement from both parties. Any information sent to the Lento Law Firm before an attorney-client relationship is made is done on a non-confidential basis.
