If you've been charged with a crime in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, you may have a lot of questions about what happens next and how you can best defend yourself. Whether you've been charged with something relatively minor that could end up with you having to pay a fine or it's a very serious charge that could lead to years in prison, you want to make sure your rights are protected and that you receive the strongest defense possible.
The LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team can help. Our experienced attorneys have defended clients in their criminal cases in courts all across Pennsylvania, including in Cumberland County. We understand Pennsylvania's criminal laws and court procedures, and we have years of experience negotiating with prosecutors on behalf of our clients and defending clients at trial. Call us today at 888.535.3686 or set up a confidential consultation online to learn more about how we can help.
Categories of Crimes in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania divides its crimes into three main classes. If you're charged with a crime in Cumberland County, it will be one of these:
- Summary Offenses. These lower-level crimes include some you might think of as “nuisance” crimes, such as trespassing, criminal mischief, public urination, and other similar types of minor offenses. Sometimes, you may not even be arrested for a summary offense, but instead may receive a ticket or other notice that requires you to appear before a judge to defend yourself against the charge. Summary offenses have a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $300.
- Misdemeanors. The middle-level of the three types of crimes in Pennsylvania, misdemeanors are for offenses that are more serious than summary offenses but less so than felonies. There are three categories of misdemeanors: first-degree misdemeanors are the most serious, and third-degree misdemeanors are the least serious. There are dozens of different crimes that can be charged as misdemeanors in Pennsylvania, with penalties ranging from 6 months to 5 years in jail and fines of up to $10,000.
- Felonies. The most serious level of crime in Pennsylvania, there are three degrees of felonies, just as there are three degrees of misdemeanors. Pennsylvania also separates out the crime of murder, which itself has three degrees of seriousness. If convicted of a felony, your sentence can be anywhere from 2-1/2 years to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. A murder conviction can result in a prison sentence of 40 years to life, as well as up to $50,000 in fines. The death penalty is also possible for a first-degree murder conviction.
Courts in Cumberland County
The court process in Cumberland County for a criminal case will typically involve multiple court appearances, often before different judges sitting in different courts. It's important to keep a close eye on the court schedule to see if you have been released after your arrest or if you've been notified of a court date for your summary offense. Two things to pay attention to are the location of the court and the day and time of your next appearance. As your case moves through its various stages, the judge you appear before may change, and it's important for you to make sure you are in the right place at the right time for each appearance in your case.
Working with one of the experienced criminal defense attorneys from the LLF Law Firm can help. We'll make sure you have ample advance notice of where and when your next court date is so that you don't accidentally miss it.
The two types of courts in Cumberland County are:
- Court of Common Pleas. This is located at 1 Courthouse Square in Carlisle. Misdemeanor and felony criminal cases are handled at this courthouse, though the Magisterial District Court may administer some of the preliminary stages of these kinds of cases.
- Magisterial District Courts. There are ten of these at various locations in Cumberland County. They handle the preliminary stages of misdemeanor and felony cases, as well as summary criminal offenses.
If you've been arrested on a misdemeanor or felony charge, your initial appearances – such as to set bail – may be before a Magisterial District Judge, and later stages may be before a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Your attorney will help you make sure you don't miss a court appearance or show up at the wrong court for each part of your case where you're expected to appear.
Steps in the Criminal Process in Cumberland County
If you're facing misdemeanor or felony charges, your initial appearances may be before a Magisterial District Judge, with later court appearances before a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Carlisle. If you've been charged with a summary offense, all of your proceedings should be before a Magisterial District Judge.
Here is how misdemeanor and felony cases may generally proceed:
- The preliminary arraignment, where any bail is set, will happen before a Magisterial District Judge, who may also conduct a preliminary hearing to determine whether prosecutors appear to have enough evidence against you to charge you with the crime or crimes you're accused of committing.
- Later stages of your case include the criminal information, where your formal charges are specified in detail; your formal arraignment, where you have a chance to plead guilty or not guilty to those charges; pretrial hearings, where motions and other court housekeeping matters are addressed; trial, if your case goes to trial; and sentencing, if you are convicted or plead guilty (typically as part of a plea arrangement). These stages take place at the Court of Common Pleas.
The vast majority of criminal cases resolve themselves without a trial, with the prosecution either dismissing the charges or, more often, reaching a plea agreement with the defendant. Retaining an experienced criminal defense attorney from the LLF Law Firm can greatly increase your chances of arriving at a more favorable result than if you attempt to defend yourself. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys understand Pennsylvania's criminal laws and court procedures, and we have years of experience negotiating with prosecutors on behalf of our clients.
We will work extremely hard to reach the best result possible for you, and when a plea agreement isn't possible, we are ready to vigorously defend you at trial.
The LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team Is Ready to Protect Your Rights in Cumberland County
Don't think that because you may only be facing a minor criminal charge, it's something you can handle yourself. Having any kind of criminal record, even if it's a misdemeanor conviction, can haunt you for years or even decades to come. And if you're facing serious charges, you could end up spending many years behind bars. The LLF Law Firm Criminal Defense Team can help protect your rights and defend you against the charges brought by prosecutors.
Your future is stretching out before you. The LLF Law Firm is committed to helping you make the most of it. We will protect your rights throughout your criminal case and will staunchly defend you against the state's efforts to convict you. Call us today at 888.535.3686 or use our contact form to schedule a confidential consultation. We are here to listen and to help!