Probation is a method used by Pennsylvania courts to keep nonviolent offenders out of jail and provide more of a rehabilitative opportunity to first-time offenders. It is important to both know the terms of your probation and to do everything possible not to violate them. Additionally, it is also important to keep an open line of communication with your probation officer so that he or she has the opportunity to work with you.
Special instances and mistakes, however, do happen. When you violate your probation, it is usually the obligation of your probation officer to report the problem. Once you suspect that your probation officer is going to submit or has submitted an affidavit to the courts stating that you have violated your probation terms, it is important to make immediate steps toward defending your freedom.
Philadelphia Probation Violation Lawyers
Not only does the LLF Law Firm have in-depth experience with the Pennsylvania justice system, you can rest assured that you will receive a strong, knowledgeable defense against the severe repercussions you face.
For a free consultation on how the LLF Law Firm can help your case, call (888) 535-3686 today.
Pennsylvania's Process for Probation Violators
- Substantive and Technical Probation Violations
- Examples of Philadelphia Probation Violations
- Pennsylvania Resources for Violations of Probation
Technical and Substantive Probation Violations
The law governing probation violations is in 234 Pa. Code Rule 708. Generally, probation violations come in two forms: technical and substantive. A technical violation is any failure by the person on probation to comply with one or more special conditions imposed by the court as a requirement for his or her probation.
A substantive violation is a new violation of any court order, municipal ordinance, county or state law, or federal law while on probation. If a person on probation has been questioned by law enforcement or committed a technical or substantive violation, he or she must notify his or her probation officer within 72 hours.
Examples of Philadelphia Probation Violations
Most probation violations are technical. Though some terms of probation can be customized to the individual and therefore are different on a case-by-case basis, many terms of probation are basic and similar.
Common violations include:
- Failure to report to your probation officer as mandated by the court
- Failure to report to your probation officer as mandated by your probation officer
- Failure to complete required community service hours in the time required
- Failure to pay fines, costs, and restitution as ordered by the court
- Leaving the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without your probation officer's permission
- Changing your address without your probation officer's permission
- Changing your employment without your probation officer's permission
- Using, possessing, or selling any controlled substance
- Consuming any alcoholic beverage
- Possessing any firearm, ammunition, or other deadly weapon
- Failure to successfully complete treatment programs ordered by the court, such as
- Anger management classes
- Domestic batterers intervention program
- Father's group counseling
- Alcohol safe driving program
- Drug or alcohol evaluation and treatment
- Sex offender program
- Mental health treatment
Pennsylvania Probation Resources
Pennsylvania Probation and Parole – Use this website to find out information on state probation and parole standards, as well as various other resources concerning probation in Pennsylvania – like statistics and reports.
Philadelphia Probation and Parole – Use this page of the Philadelphia courts website to look up FAQs about probation, discover detailed information about the divisions of PAPPD, and see how the department is organized.
Philadelphia Adult Probation and Parole DepartmentFirst Judicial District of Pennsylvania
Criminal Trial Division
1401 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: (215) 683-1000
Philadelphia Probation Fact Sheet – This links directly to a pdf on the Philadelphia government site that details the purpose of the probation department, as well as describes the different divisions and lists their directors.
Finding the Best Probation Attorney in Philadelphia
If you suspect you are going to be reprimanded for violating probation or have already been informed you are, don't just stand by and accept the consequences. The LLF Law Firm has direct experience with probation offenses and will fight for you to keep your freedom and stay on course within your current probation requirements.
Call the LLF Law Firm today to set up your free consultation by dialing (888) 535-3686.