Bucks County is a heavily populated county in the greater Philadelphia area, located in southeastern Pennsylvania. The county has several locales, including several colleges, business, and historical sites. This can attract several out of state individuals to the county, such as commuters, students or visitors. Individuals out of state may have a much more complicated time dealing with their criminal charges.
Out of State Criminal Charges in Bucks County
When a person faces criminal charges in Pennsylvania and they live elsewhere, their case can become complex. The state of Pennsylvania will hold jurisdiction over this case, and cases that arise in Bucks County will be resolved in the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas, located in Doylestown, PA. For certain criminal charges, the defendant may need to be confined the boundaries of the state, or may even be held under police custody. Resolving criminal charges can be a difficult and lengthy process, and may require a person traveling to Doylestown several times before the case is concluded.
Common Charges for Out of State Offenders in Bucks County
- Property Crimes: Crimes involving theft or vandalism are known as property crimes. These can become complicated when a defendant lives outside of Pennsylvania.
- Violent Crimes: Violent crimes often result in a person's confinement to police custody. This may require bail negotiations and other motions in order for a defendant's success.
- Weapons Crimes: When a person commits a crime with a weapon, or if they bring a weapon on a property where it is not allowed, they may jeopardize their rights to firearm ownership and freedom.
- Sex Crimes: Sex crimes, such as sexual assault, are taken very seriously in Pennsylvania. If the suspect is a student, they may face consequences from under their college's Title IX policy.
- Domestic Violence: A person that is suspected of committing an act of domestic violence may be forced to remain in police custody until bail is negotiated or paid.
- DUI: When a person is charged with a DUI when traveling in Pennsylvania, their charges can become particularly complicated. DUI charges can mean repeat trips to the courthouse.
- Traffic Offenses: Many officers will charge out of state drivers with traffic offenses, expecting they will simply pay the fine and accept the charge.
- White Collar Crime: Crimes such as fraud are often classified under "white collar crime." These criminal charges are serious and may become exacerbated by crossing state lines.
- Student Offenses: There are multiple situations that may result in criminal charges to a student. Bucks County has a few colleges that may attract out of state students. Students often face charges from both state authorities as well as their college.
- Juvenile Offenses: A juvenile that gets into trouble out of their home state can face incredibly difficult circumstances to negotiate their charges.
Bucks County Defense Attorney
Facing criminal charges outside of one's home state can be a difficult situation. An attorney familiar with the local court and law enforcement may be able to provide an effective resolution to these charges. A local attorney will also be able to have quick access to the court for filing and defending motions. In certain cases, a defendant's attorney will be able to appear in court on their behalf. If you or a loved one has visited Pennsylvania and is now facing criminal charges in Bucks County, contact the LLF Law Firm at (888) 535-8636 today.