PFA gun surrender orders often shock, surprise, and concern those who face Pennsylvania Protection from Abuse (PFA) Act proceedings. Firearms can be necessary for one's job, security, or property protection, not to mention law-abiding citizens who simply want their firearms for recreational purposes. Firearms collections can also have substantial value. And Americans have Second Amendment firearm rights. But Protection from Abuse proceedings often result in gun surrender unless the PFA defendant can make a strong case that gun surrender is unnecessary. The defendant need not even have used a firearm to injure or threaten the person seeking the PFA order for the court to order gun surrender. And gun surrender now goes only to the police, a commercial armory, or your Pennsylvania PFA defense attorney, rather than to a family member or friend whom you choose for safekeeping.
Pennsylvania's legislature has continued to amend the Protection from Abuse Act's gun surrender provisions so that today, surrender takes place very quickly, within twenty-four hours of the PFA order. When, for instance, Pennsylvania's legislature passed Act 79 effective in 2019, the amended law meant that all final, court-adjudicated PFA orders now require weapons relinquishment. Only final PFA orders entered by consent, rather than after hearing by the judge, do not require automatic weapons relinquishment. Today's PFA Act also requires that you surrender weapons to the sheriff or other law enforcement agency unless you retain a qualified commercial armory or attorney at law to safekeep your firearms for you. Even then, gun surrender involves extensive dealings with the county sheriff or other police agency, and potential lawful return of firearms can at times be fraught with unreasonable burdens imposed by law enforcement upon the defendant firearm owner.
Pennsylvania courts routinely impose PFA gun surrender orders, authorizing police to pursue enforcement, despite the defendant's substantial interests in owning firearms and the defendant's damage at their loss and other justified concerns. If you face a PFA proceeding, then you should know upfront that you could lose possession and control of your firearms to a gun surrender order. Don't ignore your PFA proceeding, thinking that it will only involve restraints against any violence. Your PFA proceeding may well instead affect your liberty and property rights, including your gun possession and firearms collection. Retain our Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team and the LLF Law Firm to defend your PFA proceeding and preserve your firearm rights.
The Policy Behind Gun Surrender Orders
Pennsylvania's original PFA Act did not have any gun surrender provisions. But advocates pointed to the role that weapons can play in domestic violence, convincing Pennsylvania's legislature to add gun surrender provisions within a decade or so of the Act's original 1976 adoption. A recent report cites research showing that law reforms can reduce firearm injuries and deaths in instances of domestic violence. Those law reforms include the federal law codified at 18 USC §922(g)(9) prohibiting those convicted of domestic violence from possessing guns, gun background-check laws, and gun surrender provisions in PFA acts. Evidence exists that those reforms have led to reduced domestic violence injuries and deaths involving guns. Subsequent amendments to Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act have made the gun surrender provisions increasingly swift in execution, strict in protocol, and aggressive in enforcement.
Firearms owners can sensibly acknowledge that gun laws related to domestic violence, properly applied and executed, make sound public policy sense. The above report indicates that domestic abusers with firearms are five times more likely to kill a domestic partner in a domestic dispute. The same report also points to the role firearms play in threats and abusive power dynamics. The same report also shares a large number of domestic partners shot and killed in domestic violence incidents, averaging fifty-seven such victims per month. Nearly one million women in the U.S. report having an intimate partner shoot them or shoot at them in a domestic dispute. Four-and-a-half million more women report gun threats in domestic disputes.
Limitations of Gun Surrender Laws
Statistics like those just cited may well indicate the need for strict enforcement of new gun laws to reduce firearm deaths and injuries in domestic disputes. Yet, those statistics may also indicate the limited effects of the strict old and new gun laws already in place. Gun laws, including gun surrender laws, are not the whole solution. To some extent, reducing domestic violence depends on improving personal character and intimate relationships in ways that reduce anger, resentment, and disrespect, removing the cause or motivation to violence. As Second Amendment advocates often say, guns are not necessarily the problem. Too often, the people are the problems.
Consider this terribly unfortunate case in point. Mount Gretna's Stacey Pennington was one of four women who had sought court protection over a two-decade span from one Patrick Derr, Pennington's former boyfriend. Pennington had a Pennsylvania PFA order against Derr that included a gun surrender provision. Derr was not to possess a firearm, by court order. The report indicates that Derr nonetheless obtained a gun registered to his father to murder Pennington. Pennington had already been convicted of assaulting another woman, had already been under other PFA orders obtained by other women, and had already spent time in jail for domestic violence. Every law and order indicated that Derr was not to have a gun. Yet, he obtained a gun with which to kill the person protected by a PFA order with a gun restriction.
Strategic PFA Defense Representation
What this gun policy, these statistics, and this unfortunate account all suggest is that your defense of a PFA proceeding should not depend on challenging the gun laws. Your PFA defense should instead challenge false, exaggerated, and unfair allegations against you. If you own weapons that you need or desire to retain, your PFA defense must also be highly strategic to ensure that you do not suffer an adjudicated PFA order that automatically requires you to surrender your weapons. Getting your weapons back after relinquishing them to the sheriff under a temporary PFA order may be especially difficult if the sheriff is reluctant and the sheriff or complainant wish to proceed to hearing on a final PFA order.
To recover and retain your weapons, you not only need a skilled PFA defense advocate who can defeat false charges but also a PFA defense advocate who knows how to negotiate a consent agreement when appropriate to the circumstances. Your attorney advocate must counter the natural tendency of courts and advocates to overreach fair laws in ways that unfairly damage and destroy your legitimate interests. Your PFA defense depends on showing that you have not abused an intimate partner and are not a threat to do so, with or without a gun. If you face a PFA proceeding in which the person seeking protection is alleging things that you did not do and inferring bad intentions, history, and character that you do not have, then retain our expert Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team and the LLF Law Firm. Our Criminal Law Team has the commitment, skill, and experience for your aggressive and effective defense.
False or Exaggerated Claims Affect Gun Surrender
Indeed, the problem for many defendants facing PFA proceedings is not with sensible firearms laws like the federal law 18 USC §922(g)(9) prohibiting those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from possessing guns. The problem for many PFA defendants is instead with false, exaggerated, and overreaching claims for protection, where protection is not necessary. Some gun owners facing PFA proceedings will not have done anything wrong to justify depriving them of their firearms. Making domestic violence claims is one thing while proving the claims to be valid and real is another. Many persons claiming the need for a PFA order, in fact, could benefit from a PFA order's protection. Others making those claims, though, are simply mistaken about the law, mistaken about their circumstance, or even manipulating the PFA laws to gain other advantages.
Lots of factors, including mental illness, mistakes, misunderstanding, and bad motives and character, can contribute to false claims of domestic violence. Acknowledging that some persons bring false PFA claims is not being harsh or insensitive. Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act actually anticipates that some persons requesting a PFA will make false reports of domestic violence. The Act's Section 6106(a.1) authorizes criminal charges against those persons making false claims of domestic violence. Section 6106(a.1) states, “A person who knowingly gives false information to any law enforcement officer with the intent to implicate another under this chapter commits an offense under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4906 (relating to false reports to law enforcement authorities).” The person claiming the need for a PFA and demanding gun surrender may not have the legal right and may even be lying or exaggerating, making gun surrender an undeserved punishment rather than an act of protection.
Courts are also not perfect in discerning who is telling the truth and who is lying or exaggerating. A PFA defendant who owns a valuable firearm collection or who uses firearms for employment, hunting, security, or protection could lose the collection when the person demanding it has no need for protection. Gun surrender just adds to the high stakes of PFA proceedings when the person claiming the relief is manipulating the proceeding. If you face a PFA proceeding in which the person demanding the relief is lying, exaggerating, or otherwise trying to manipulate the proceeding, then you need to retain skilled, experienced, and aggressive Pennsylvania PFA defense counsel. Our Criminal Law Team has honed the investigation, research, trial, cross-examination, and other advocacy skills to uncover false and exaggerated PFA claims. Our Criminal Law is available for your PFA defense, including to preserve your right to own, possess, control, and bear firearms.
What's at Stake in Gun Surrender
To those who don't own guns for employment, hunting, security, or self-defense, and who don't own valuable firearms collections, gun surrender may seem like a small price to pay to protect someone who claims domestic violence or threats of domestic violence. But the price of gun surrender can be large, to some even devastating. Many gun owners own their guns for employment, whether in law enforcement, game hunting or harvesting, security roles, or as firearm dealers. Other gun owners depend on their firearms for their own protection or the protection of their family members. And some gun owners hold valuable firearms collections on which they expect to depend as an investment or for sale, trade, and income. Forcing a gun owner to surrender firearms, other weapons, and ammunition can cripple the gun owner with job loss, loss of security, and loss of investment or income.
The harm of unfair PFA orders with gun surrender provisions compounds when one considers how long PFA orders can last. Under the Pennsylvania Protection from Abuse Act's Section 6108, PFA orders can be effective for up to three years. Section 6108 states: “A protection order or approved consent agreement shall be for a fixed period of time not to exceed three years.” Three years tends to be the default period that Pennsylvania PFA judges use in PFA orders. If you face a PFA order after the final hearing, the order will likely be for three years unless your Pennsylvania PFA defense attorney has given the judge a good reason for a shorter duration. But Section 6114 of Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act can extend a PFA order for another three years if the court finds that the defendant violated the original order. You could find yourself restricted from possessing firearms for three years or even six years, potentially even longer.
Don't let an unfair PFA proceeding and the prospect of gun surrender threatens your livelihood or security. Retain our Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team to make the most of your day in court. Our Criminal Law Team has represented many law enforcement officers, hunters, firearms collectors, and others who depend on firearms for jobs, careers, self-defense, property protection, investment, or recreation. Our Criminal Law Team and the LLF Law Firm are available for your PFA defense, including to fight gun surrender demands, modify or terminate gun surrender orders, or act to secure your firearms under a sheriff's safekeeping permit. You have lawful options to preserve your rights and to protect your interest and investment in firearms. Our Criminal Law Team can help you aggressively pursue the best options.
Statutory Authority for Gun Surrender
Gun owners face serious risks of losing their firearms anytime they face a Pennsylvania PFA proceeding. The Pennsylvania Protection from Abuse Act clearly authorizes gun surrender whenever the court issues an order in a PFA proceeding. The Act's gun surrender provisions appear in its Section 6108(a)(7) and Sections 6108.1 to 6108.6. Section 6108(a)(7) is the core gun surrender provision. Section 6108(a)(7) authorizes the court to order any or all of the following:
- prohibit the PFA defendant from acquiring or possessing any firearm for the duration of the order
- order the defendant to temporarily relinquish to the sheriff or the appropriate law enforcement agency any firearms under the defendant's possession or control
- require the defendant to relinquish to the sheriff or the appropriate law enforcement agency any firearm license the defendant may possess
- require the defendant to relinquish other weapons or ammunition used or threatened in an incident of abuse against the plaintiff or the minor children
You can see from this summary that Pennsylvania courts hearing and deciding PFA requests have broad authority to place guns and other weapons beyond the defendant's reach, even when the defendant owns those weapons and keeps those weapons in other locations within the defendant's control. In most PFA proceedings, gun surrender goes hand in hand with the court issuing the PFA order. If you face a PFA proceeding, then you could lose access to and control over any or all of your firearms, other weapons, and ammunition, no matter the condition, value, or location of those items. If you own, possess, or control valuable firearms, other weapons, and ammunition that you don't want to give up, then you need to fight your PFA proceeding. Retain our Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team to defend your PFA proceeding and preserve your firearms access, control, and collection.
Gun Surrender Implementation
Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act surely doesn't leave gun surrender to chance. Instead, the Act includes clear measures to ensure prompt law enforcement of gun surrender orders. The Act ensures that the court, law enforcement, and the defendant promptly implement a gun surrender order. The Act's Section 6108(a)(7) includes these implementation provisions for the court's gun surrender order:
- the court must list the guns or other weapons and ammunition that the defendant must surrender
- the court must transmit a copy of the gun surrender order to the chief of the responsible law enforcement agency and to the sheriff of the county of which the defendant resides
- as soon as the court enters the order, the defendant must inform the court how the defendant will relinquish the firearms, other weapons, or ammunition
- the court must require the defendant to relinquish the firearms, other weapons, ammunition, and firearm license within 24 hours of service of the order, except for cause shown at a hearing, in which case the court must specify the time
- if the defendant cannot procure and relinquish the firearms that quickly because of their remote location, then the defendant must provide the sheriff or other responsible law enforcement official with an affidavit listing the firearms, other weapons, and ammunition with their current location
- if the defendant does not timely provide the sworn list, then the sheriff or other responsible law enforcement agency must notify the court, the person seeking the PFA order, and other law enforcement authorities
- if the defendant relinquishes the firearms, other weapons, and ammunition to the sheriff or other law enforcement agency, then that agency must secure those items' custody until the order expires
You can see from these requirements that Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act leaves a defendant virtually no time to comply with a gun surrender order. Indeed, gun surrender orders in a PFA proceeding require the defendant to actively participate in relinquishing and identifying all firearms, other weapons, and ammunition the order covers. If you suffer a gun surrender order in a PFA proceeding, then you should expect the court and law enforcement to implement that order quickly and efficiently. You will likely lose access to and control over your firearms, other weapons, and ammunition within twenty-four hours. Retain our Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team to fight your PFA proceeding, defeat or limit gun surrender orders, and, if necessary to promptly comply with the order to avoid contempt conviction. In a PFA proceeding, gun owners have responsibilities, but they also have options.
Preservation of Secured Firearms and Items
You may reasonably expect the firearms, other weapons, and ammunition that you surrender under a PFA order to remain secure until the order expires and you receive back those items. Surrender does not mean loss, disposition, or destruction. If you may otherwise lawfully possess a firearm, then you should get your firearms back when your PFA order expires. The Act's Section 6108(a)(7)(ii) requires the sheriff or other law enforcement agency to secure the weapons while the PFA order remains in place. The Act's Section 6108(a)(7)(ii) also requires the law enforcement agency to provide the defendant “with a signed and dated written receipt which shall include a detailed description of the other weapon or ammunition and its condition.” In other words, you'll have a reliable record of what the law enforcement agency should be securing for eventual return to you. If you receive back fewer than all of the items that the agency acknowledged securing for you, then promptly retain a skilled Pennsylvania PFA attorney to regain your items or their value.
The Act's Section 6108(a)(7)(ii) also requires the court to tell you the conditions that may occur under which the law enforcement agency may claim that you have abandoned your items. In other words, you should not expect the sale or destruction of your items while the agency holds them unless those notified conditions occur, such as the termination of the PFA order and your failure or refusal to collect your items. You cannot simply leave your items with the agency forever, well beyond the PFA order's termination or expiration. But you'll know in advance when you may and must collect them. The Act's Section 6108(a)(7)(iii) requires the agency to notify you if the agency conveys your items to another person for holding. If you learn that the agency has instead sold, destroyed, or conveyed your items without those conditions occurring, then retain skilled Pennsylvania PFA counsel to recover your items or their value.
Confidentiality of Weapons Disclosures
Gun and other firearm collections can have substantial value, the kind of value that the owner might not want the public to know. Firearms collections can also include items about which the owner might prefer the public might not learn. Fortunately, Section 6108(a)(7) of Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act requires the court to seal from public inspection any part of any complaint, petition, order, or other court paper that discloses the list of items subject to surrender. Section 6108(a)(7) does permit the court to open the record on good cause shown or as necessary for law enforcement and court administration. The court may also release a gun surrender order after redacting information listing any firearm, other weapon, or ammunition. You should be able to keep the contents of your firearms collection confidential from public view. If you face any issue in your PFA proceeding threatening disclosure or making disclosure of your confidential collection, then promptly consult expert Pennsylvania PFA counsel.
Firearm Dealer Restrictions
Sometimes, the defendant who faces a PFA proceeding involving a firearms collection happens to be a licensed firearms dealer. Restraining a firearms dealer and requiring the dealer to turn over firearms in the dealer's control can be highly problematic for the dealer. The dealer, for instance, may control firearms owned by others. Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act has special provisions to deal with those situations. The Act's Section 6108(a)(7)(vi) requires the dealer defendant only to relinquish firearms in the defendant's own personal firearms collection. Yet the Act's Section 6108(a)(7.1) also authorizes the court to impose other restrictions on the dealer defendant to ensure the protected person's safety, including ordering the defendant to relinquish any federal or state license for the sale, manufacture, or importation of firearms even if already in the defendant's business inventory.
Thus, a PFA proceeding could seriously impact and interfere with a firearms dealer's business. Yet Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act also requires the court to consider the impact of a PFA order on the defendant firearm dealer's business. Under Section 6108(a)(7.1), the court must “make a reasonable effort to preserve the financial assets of the defendant's business while fulfilling the goals” of the Protection from Abuse Act. If you are a firearms dealer facing a PFA order, then you should promptly retain our expert Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team to ensure that the court follows its obligation not to unduly interfere with your business. A PFA order is bad enough in its personal impacts on an unduly restricted defendant without also destroying the defendant's business. Our Criminal Law Team is ready not only to fight an unjust PFA proceeding but also to help you protect your firearms business.
Return of Secured Firearms
You should expect the prompt release and return of your firearms once your PFA order expires. Section 6108.1 of Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act ensures that law enforcement returns the defendant's secured firearms, other weapons, and ammunition when the PFA order expires. Section 6108.1(a) provides the general rule that “[a]ny court order requiring the relinquishment of firearms, other weapons, or ammunition shall provide for the return of the relinquished firearms, other weapons or ammunition to the defendant upon expiration of the order or dismissal of a petition for a protection from abuse order.” Section 6108.1(a) continues that the defendant may then once again take custody of the returned weapons without having to pay any fees, costs, or other charges for the return. If you face any issue securing the prompt return of all of your firearms after your PFA order expires, then promptly retain skilled Pennsylvania PFA defense counsel to assist you.
You should get your weapons back without charge, too. Under the same Section 6108.1(a), the defendant pays no fees, costs, or other charges even if the law enforcement agency incurred costs and would prefer to demand reimbursement from the defendant. Under Section 6108.1(a), the law enforcement agency must offer a weapons return form for you to fill out once your PFA order expires. You should find it relatively simple to regain your firearms. Section 6108.1(a.1) permits the police to retain any firearms that are evidence of a crime. And the agency may retain the weapons if other laws prohibit the defendant from recovering and possessing them. Indeed, the agency must clear the defendant with the Pennsylvania State Police Instant Check System Unit or National Instant Criminal Background Check System before returning the weapons. The person protected under the expired PFA order also gets notice from the agency that the agency is returning the weapons. Our Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team is available to assist you with any issue arising under these return provisions.
Petition for Return of Secured Firearms
Those are the primary conditions for the return of weapons. If the agency still fails to return the weapons, then Section 6108.1(a.3) permits the defendant to petition the court for their prompt return. Section 6108.1(a.4) also permits the defendant to petition the court to get the agency to relinquish the weapons to others. And if other persons have had their weapons secured because of a PFA order against the defendant, and the weapons should be returned, then those other persons also have the right under Section 6108.1(a.4) to petition for the prompt return of their weapons. Those other persons may also petition the court to modify an existing PFA order so that they may obtain the return of their weapons, even though the order still restrains the defendant. The court must hear those petitions within ten days. Retain experienced Pennsylvania PFA counsel if you need to file a petition for the return of your firearms.
Relinquishment for Sale, Transfer, or Safekeeping
Gun owners facing an order to surrender firearms to law enforcement have another option. Section 6108.2 of Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act permits the gun owner defendant to convey the firearms to a licensed firearms dealer instead of to a law enforcement agency. Section 6108.2 then permits the firearms dealer to sell the guns, transfer them to another person, or hold them for safekeeping as the guns' owner directs. Gun owners may prefer that a dealer have the guns rather than the police so that the gun owner can direct the guns' disposition in one manner or another. The gun owner must arrange for the transfer within the short time that the PFA order allows. The gun owner must also be willing to pay the firearms dealer whatever reasonable fee the dealer requires.
How to Accomplish Dealer Transfer. Section 6108.2 details how the gun owner must go about conveying the guns to a firearms dealer instead of police. The dealer must complete a Pennsylvania State Police affidavit form that names the PFA case, provides the defendant's identifying information, lists the firearms and other items conveyed, and identifies the dealer and dealer's firearms license. The dealer must also attest that the dealer won't return the firearms to the defendant or another household member while the PFA order is in effect. If the gun owner can provide such an affidavit to the law enforcement agency expecting to secure the guns, then the agency may permit the owner to convey the guns instead to the firearms dealer. If the defendant has already given the guns to the policy agency under a temporary order, the defendant can have the guns moved to a dealer under these same conditions when a final PFA order enters. If you need help conveying your guns to a firearms dealer rather than the police under PFA order, then retain expert Pennsylvania PFA defense counsel.
Transfer of Firearms to a Third Party
Gun owners have another option beyond conveying their firearms to police or to a firearms dealer, one that typically requires retaining an experienced Pennsylvania PFA defense counsel. Section 6108.3 of Pennsylvania's Protection from Abuse Act permits a gun owner facing a PFA gun surrender order to convey the guns to a third party rather than the police or a firearms dealer. The third-party must be either an attorney representing the PFA defendant or a commercial armory with a secure storage facility. Our Criminal Law Team of the LLF Law Firm accepts the safekeeping of firearms for PFA defendant clients. The third-party conveyance must occur within the short time the PFA order allows for relinquishing the firearms to the police. The PFA defendant must take the third-party attorney or armory representative to the county sheriff's office, where the sheriff will issue a safekeeping permit if the third party qualifies to receive the firearms.
Section 6108.3(b)(3) sets the conditions the third-party attorney or armory must meet to safekeep the firearms. The third-party must sign and swear or affirm a State Police affidavit form that includes the PFA case caption, identifying information for the PFA defendant and third party, a list of the firearms, a statement that the defendant will not receive the firearms, and a summary of the related law. The third-party attorney or armory representative must also swear or affirm that the third party can legally possess firearms, has no PFA order restraining the third party, has never been subject to a PFA order, and will store the firearms with a qualifying locking device. The third-party cannot be a family or household member of the PFA defendant. The third-party must sign a receipt for the firearms that the PFA defendant must promptly convey to the sheriff. Section 6108.3(b)(3) also sets the conditions for revoking the third party's safekeeping permit.
If the PFA order expires without the permit's revocation, then the PFA defendant and third party return to the sheriff's office for the sheriff to confirm that the PFA defendant may once again lawfully possess the firearms. If the court modifies the order before it expires, allowing the defendant to possess some or all of the firearms, the defendant and third party go to the sheriff to confirm that return. The third-party can also relinquish the firearms to the sheriff at any time. The third-party has civil liability of up to $5,000, though, to any person suffering damages from the third party's intentional or knowing violation of the terms and conditions of safekeeping. Any armory violating safekeeping terms loses its firearms license. Safekeeping permits and forms are confidential. The public has no right of access to them. Our Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team is available to assist you by acting as your third party to secure your firearms under a safekeeping permit.
The Role of an Expert PFA Defense Attorney
A skilled, experienced, and committed Pennsylvania PFA defense attorney can help you avoid the loss of your firearms, other weapons, and ammunition. Your expert PFA defense attorney would have the knowledge, skills, and experience to gather, organize, and present evidence on your behalf while challenging the plaintiff's evidence, including by cross-examining the plaintiff and other witnesses. Your expert PFA defense attorney would also know how to invoke the PFA Act's procedures to give you the full hearing to which the Act entitles you. Your PFA defense attorney can show the judge where the plaintiff's evidence fails to meet the statutory standard for a PFA order and where the plaintiff's evidence is unreliable and lacking credibility. Your PFA defense attorney can also help you present evidence of your own good character and trustworthy nature, especially around the ownership, possession, use, and control of firearms. Your PFA defense attorney can also show the judge how firearms are crucial to your employment, income, and protection. Your PFA defense attorney has many important roles to play in your defense of a PFA proceeding that places your firearm possession at risk.
Our Pennsylvania PFA Criminal Law Team are premier experts in PFA proceedings. Our Criminal Law Team has the substantial skills and extensive experience, combined with the highest commitment, to aggressively defend you against false, unfair, and exaggerated PFA claims. Retain our Criminal Law Team and the LLF Law Firm to represent you in your PFA proceeding. Contact the LLF Law Firm at 888-555-3686 or online for a prompt consultation with our Criminal Law Team.