Regardless of the crime you've committed, having a criminal record comes with serious repercussions. It can make things more difficult for you to gain employment, to further your education, enter the military, gain residency, or even get a financial loan. Your criminal history is going to haunt you, rearing its ugly head in background checks and constantly dragging your past into your present. If you've been convicted of a crime, clearing your record is probably very high on your list of priorities. Fortunately, Chester County provides several ways to do so after serving your time and paying your dues back to society.
One of your options for moving on after a conviction is getting it pardoned. It's imperative you know the basics of what it means to be pardoned and the process before pursuing this alternative to determine if its the right course of action for you. If you have any further questions about your specific circumstances contact the LLF Law Firm today.
What is a Pardon?
A pardon is an act of clemency or forgiveness that can only be granted by the Governor. It essentially restores all the privileges and rights once forfeited by you due to a criminal conviction. If a pardon is granted, a conviction is erased as if it never happened, preventing said individual from being penalized for having a record of the offense.
That being said, It's important to note that a pardon is not to be confused with an expungement. A pardon doesn't erase a conviction completely as an expungement does, nor does it seal a record. It simply sheds light on the fact that you have turned your life around and have chosen to start over. In the event a background check is run following a pardon, the conviction will still show up. However, the employer or whoever is conducting the check will also see that the Governor has pardoned you.
The Pardoning Process
Unlike the expungement process, there are no eligibility requirements for applying for a pardon. Each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. You can maximize your chances of getting your pardon granted by letting an experienced Chester County attorney help you throughout the process.
An attorney will request a pardon application on your behalf to submit to the Board of Pardons. The application includes elements such as your employment history, educational history, and background checks. Aside from the logistics, an effective application includes the following elements:
- An admission of your guilt or remorse for committing the crime
- The reasons why you need a pardon (employment issues, can't find a residence, need a loan, etc.)
- Why you deserve one (reformed, haven't been arrested lately etc.)
The Investigation
After the Board receives your application, an investigation ran by the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole will ensue. This investigation will most likely include an interview with you.
Merit Review
Once agents have completed the investigation, they will prepare a report containing their findings to the Board. The Board will then review this report at what is known as a “merit review.” If at least two of five Board members are convinced to approve your application, you'll be scheduled to attend a hearing.
At a hearing, you'll be given an opportunity to tell your story to the Board. You should be prepared for questions. After all is said and done, the Board will vote on whether or not to recommend your application to the Governor for review.
If your application gets all the way to the Governor and he grants your pardon, the expungement process will begin.
Chester County Pardon Attorney
Because of the large quantities of pardon applications, the process is pretty lengthy. If you have any questions regarding your options concerning pardons or representation, contact the LLF Law Firm today at 888-535-3686.