If you are facing charges for a sex crime in Bucks County you are likely worried, perhaps even distraught. You may feel like your life is over. You may be anxious about what people in the community think of you and you wonder how your life will ever get back to normal again. Maybe you're ashamed and embarrassed and you're worried about being convicted and incarcerated. Being charged with a sex crime in Bucks County, or any county, can be terrifying.
Sex Crimes in Bucks County
Understandably, you might feel isolated and alone right now but be assured that you are not the first person in Bucks County to feel this way. Individuals in Levittown and Doylestown have faced charges on sex crimes. In Doylestown, a man who was a trusted school bus driver and coach is facing sex crimes charges. A former Doylestown teacher has admitted to sex crimes with six students. Regardless of the allegations made against you and the charges you face, there are people throughout Bucks County facing the same accusations you're facing, and perhaps even worse.
Bucks County Court of Common Pleas
If you have been accused of a sex crime in Bucks County, your criminal proceeding will be assigned to the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas, at the Bucks County Justice Center in the county seat of Doylestown, located at 100 North Main Street.
Criminal Defense in Bucks County
When accused of a sex crime, you need an attorney who will give your case the time, attention, and dedication that an experienced private attorney can give and that you need. You've got a lot at stake right now. You can't afford to take your chances on a lawyer who is too busy to look for every way to defend you. The Criminal Defense Team has extensive experience representing people in Bucks County who have been accused of sex crimes.
Sexual crimes are some of the most taboo offenses in society. Because of the physical, mental, and emotional damage victims can experience, people convicted of sexual crimes often face very serious penalties. If a victim was drugged without their knowledge, up to an additional 10 years of prison time can be added to the sentence, as well as up to $100,000 in additional fines.
Some sexual offenses the Criminal Defense Team has experience defending include:
Indecent Assault—When a person engages in indecent contact with the victim, causes the victim to have indecent contact with said person, or intentionally causes the victim to come in contact with urine, feces, or seminal fluid for the purpose of arousal in the victim or offender.
Indecent Exposure—When a person reveals his or her genitals in a public setting, or in a situation where the person knows the act is likely to offend or alarm others.
Aggravated Indecent Assault—When a person engages in penetration of the genitals or anus of the victim without a legitimate medical, hygienic, or law enforcement purpose.
Sexual Assault—When a person engages in sexual intercourse or deviant sexual intercourse with a victim without his or her consent.
Statutory Sexual Assault—When a person engages in sexual intercourse with a victim who is 4 years younger than said person and the victim is under 16.
Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse (IDSI)—When a person engages in any form of sexual intercourse with a victim without the victim's consent. Includes involuntary sexual intercourse with a child.
Rape—When a person forces the victim to engage in sexual intercourse through forcible compulsion, the threat of forcible compulsion, or in a situation where the victim is unable to give consent due to his or her mental faculties or existing mental disabilities.
Get the Help You Need Today
If you have been accused of a sex crime in Bucks County, you need someone at your side who understands the charges against you and knows how to help you. Contact or call the LLF Law Firm today at 888-535-3686.