A charge of reckless endangerment in Northampton County, PA can have a very serious effect on your future. The penalties for this charge are serious, including high fines and years in jail. Considered a "violent crime," a reckless endangerment charge may remain on your record, and you could lose other civil rights.
To defend your case and protect your constitutional rights, you need an experienced Northampton County Reckless Endangerment attorney to ensure that your legal rights are protected. With the right legal help, you can put up a fight against unwarranted charges.
Reckless Endangerment Charges in Berks County, PA
Pen. Consolidated Statutes Title 18 § 2705 defines the offense of reckless endangerment. It can be charged when a person engages in types of behavior or conduct that place another individual in serious danger of sustaining death or bodily injury.
This broad definition is meant to "catch" varied kinds of conduct, all of which could lead to significant criminal charges. Examples of acts that could be charged include, but are not limited to:
- shooting a gun in public
- driving at very high speeds or in any way that could endanger the public safety
- throwing or dropping objects at passing cars
These are just a few examples of the types of conduct that could result in a reckless endangerment charge. To know if your case appropriately fits the definition, your defense lawyer can help.
Whether Intent Matters
Many criminal offenses require the prosecutor to prove that the defendant intended to cause harm. That is not true with reckless endangerment. The prosecutor need only show that the offender acted carelessly or recklessly and that the actions could have caused harm to others.
Penalties for Reckless Endangerment in Pennsylvania
Under most circumstances, a charge of reckless endangerment is a second-degree misdemeanor in Pennsylvania. While it is not a felony, it is still a very serious charge with harsh penalties upon conviction. These penalties may include:
- a maximum sentence of up to 2 years in jail,
- a maximum fine of $5,000, or
- both
Reckless endangerment is considered a "violent crime" under Pennsylvania law. This means that it will not be sealed on your record, which could affect your entire future, including opportunities for employment. You may also be stripped of your right to own and carry a firearm, losing your second amendment rights.
Possible Defenses
With the help of a qualified Pennsylvania reckless endangerment attorney at your side, you can present a defense designed specifically for your situation. Examples of possible defenses include, but are not limited to:
- Your actions were not a serious threat to the safety of others
- Filing a suppression motion to keep out illegally obtained evidence
- Showing that your conduct was not reckless
Consult an Experienced Northampton County Reckless Endangerment Attorney
Our team has the years of experience needed to fight hard for your rights. Every case is unique, and you can develop a defense specific to your case.
An experienced Northampton County Reckless Endangerment Attorney can protect your constitutional rights. Call (888) 535-3686 or contact us online today to schedule a consultation of your case.