
Dating With a PFA Can Be Difficult

Posted by Joseph D. Lento | Mar 26, 2022 | 0 Comments

Dating is one of the most exciting times of life. It's an opportunity to meet someone new, engage in activities the both of you like, and possibly work towards building a future together. What if you have a PFA on your record? How does that even work when it comes to dating?

A PFA is a protective order that provides protective relief from someone who's being harmed or who is in danger of being harmed by someone else. Having a PFA filed against you could make dating horrific at worst and uncomfortable at best. By its very name, a PFA order seems extremely threatening. What are you supposed to do if you have one filed against you and you're trying to date?

Do You or Don't You Tell?

If you're beginning to date and you have a PFA filed against you, one question you may be struggling with is if you inform your dates.

Even if a PFA order was incorrectly issued against you - or you believe that it was - never go out of your way to conceal that information from someone you're serious about dating. By being upfront in the beginning, you show that you're being honest about an extremely difficult part of your life, possibly making it easier for them to trust you as an individual versus a stat.

Additionally, if you're not truthful upfront about your situation and your date finds out, they'll assume it's because you have something to hide. Even if that's not the case, the damage has already been done.

By being honest, you avoid all of the discomfort that comes from not telling the truth.

Will Having A PFA Order Against You Make It Impossible to Meet New People?

The truth is it's going to be hard to explain to people why you have a PFA. Knowing that someone has a protective order against them is a hard pill to swallow.

How people react to your PFA depends on how they found out about it. By being completely upfront, you're letting them know what the situation is and allowing them to make a decision for themselves.

If you're not upfront, it will seem like you're hiding information. Even if you hadn't disclosed the information because you weren't sure how to broach it, the fact that they found out on their own will make things extraordinarily difficult for you going forward.

You have to let people know and decide for themselves. Ultimately you want people to know you for you. If they stick around, you may have found people who have faith in you.

It's Going to Be Difficult: Get Legal Help

A PFA order on your record is not a good look, and it may make dating extremely difficult for you. The very essence of a PFA is about safety, and no one wants to be around people who are deemed unsafe. If you're in danger of getting one filed against you, you need legal help.

Our Criminal Law Team has years of experience helping people navigate PFA orders, providing them with the defense they need to move forward with their lives.

Reach out to the LLF Law Firm for help at 888-535-3686 today to schedule an evaluation of your case. Your future may depend on it.

About the Author

Joseph D. Lento

"I pride myself on having heart and driving hard to get results!" Attorney Joseph D. Lento passionately fights for the futures of his clients in criminal courtrooms in Philadelphia and across Pennsylvania as well as in New Jersey and nationwide. He does not settle for the easiest outcome, and instead prioritizes his clients' needs and well-being. With unparalleled experience occupying several roles in the criminal justice system outside of being an attorney, Joseph D. Lento can give you valuable behind-the-scenes insight as to what is happening during all phases of the legal process. Joseph D. Lento is licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, and is admitted pro hac vice as needed nationwide. In the courtroom and in life, attorney Joseph D. Lento stands up when the bell rings!


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This website was created only for general information purposes. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice for any situation. Only a direct consultation with a licensed Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York attorney can provide you with formal legal counsel based on the unique details surrounding your situation. The pages on this website may contain links and contact information for third party organizations - the Lento Law Firm does not necessarily endorse these organizations nor the materials contained on their website. In Pennsylvania, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout Pennsylvania's 67 counties, including, but not limited to Philadelphia, Allegheny, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Schuylkill, and York County. In New Jersey, attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New Jersey's 21 counties: Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren County, In New York, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New York's 62 counties. Outside of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, unless attorney Joseph D. Lento is admitted pro hac vice if needed, his assistance may not constitute legal advice or the practice of law. The decision to hire an attorney in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania counties, New Jersey, New York, or nationwide should not be made solely on the strength of an advertisement. We invite you to contact the Lento Law Firm directly to inquire about our specific qualifications and experience. Communicating with the Lento Law Firm by email, phone, or fax does not create an attorney-client relationship. The Lento Law Firm will serve as your official legal counsel upon a formal agreement from both parties. Any information sent to the Lento Law Firm before an attorney-client relationship is made is done on a non-confidential basis.
