The negative repercussions of having a PFA filed against you can be far-reaching. People will always remember you for that instead of anything else about you. But if you're concerned about how the order will affect your reputation among friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers, then read on to learn more about how to deal with gossip with a PFA hanging over your head.
Be Prepared
If you've had a PFA filed against you, you'll likely lose some friends along the way. Friends or even coworkers who know about the PFA may judge you before even knowing the facts of your case, while others may distance themselves from you out of fear of being associated with you. Some people may even flip-flop between the two reactions.
Gossip can be incredibly invasive and hurtful, and there's no way to shield yourself from it entirely. You can, however, try to prepare yourself for it by coming to terms with the fact that it's probably going to happen. You can also try to anticipate the types of questions, comments, and reactions you'll likely encounter, so you're not blindsided when they come your way.
Develop a Thick Skin
While it's important to prepare yourself for the gossip you're likely to encounter, it's also important to develop a thick skin as you deal with it. The best way to do that is to actively work on changing how you view yourself. Instead of focusing on the bad aspects of your conviction and how it has negatively impacted your life, focus on the aspects of yourself that remain unchanged.
You are not the PFA, and you are so much more than what other people may say or think about you. Your conviction does not make you a bad person, nor does it make you unworthy of love and support. As you actively work on changing how you view yourself, you may notice that people start to accept you more.
Try to Find the Silver Lining
Having a PFA filed against you can be incredibly difficult, especially when it seems like the gossip just won't stop. It can be difficult to find the silver lining in any of it, but it's important that you try. Chances are you've made some big changes in your life since the incident occurred. You've likely grown as a person and learned from your mistakes, and you may have even found a positive way to channel your energy and experiences into something positive moving forward. At the end of the day, the PFA doesn't define who you are. It's simply a part of who you are and how you got to where you are today, and you have the power to change all of that.
Reach Out for Legal Help
Having a PFA filed against you is extremely challenging, and the gossip that comes with it can make things even worse. It can be particularly frustrating, especially if there are legal issues surrounding the PFA that may have resulted in a different outcome if your case had been handled differently.
The team at the LLF Law Firm has years of experience helping clients navigate the issues surrounding PFA orders. If you have a PFA order filed against you or one is about to be filed, they can help you figure out the next steps.
Contact the firm today at 888-535-3686 so that you can do what you need to do to have a chance at a great future.
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