In Pittsburgh's Bethel Park, a woman was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend. According to an article posted on, the woman met with him in the plaza regarding rent money. Police reported that a struggle broke out and he shoved her into the car, attempting to stab her. The man was held at Allegheny County jail, charged with aggravated assault and attempted homicide.
Financial Stress
Disagreements about finances are a common stressor in relationships. When tempers flare, this can result in violence. Studies have shown money is the most common source of arguments in relationships. This can happen for many reasons, including differing expectations about money, different attitudes and financial situations in childhood, loss of job, or simply a lapse in communication. For such a major source of stress in people's lives, money tends to be discussed less than other issues in a household or relationship. Establishing a clear understanding of each partner's needs and expectations prevents conflict later.
Protect Yourself and Others
Charges of domestic violence can do real damage to your life and future. To keep yourself and your relationships safe, it is important to educate yourself on financial wellness. Financial advisors and a plethora of online sources are available to help. In addition, simply opening up a dialogue on expectations around who will contribute what to household expenses can prevent disagreements. In the event that there are conflicts surrounding finances and those conflicts get out of control, the situation can escalate and even become violent. If one of the partners in a relationship feels that they are in danger, they can file for a PFA, or a Protection From Abuse restraining order. PFAs can prevent accused individuals from seeing or contacting family members and may require the accused person to provide financial support to the alleged victim and family/children. A PFA does not allow for discussion about the incident; individuals who try to violate their PFA order could be charged with indirect criminal contempt.
Finances are an issue that everyone must address, so make a plan for handling money in your household rather than reacting to financial stressors later on. Keep yourself safe by discussing finances today.
What to Do if You Are Accused of Domestic Violence
If you are accused of domestic violence, we are here to help. Don't post on social media about the allegations, but do act quickly and get help. Remember that you have the right to representation and a defense. Our Criminal Law Team are experts on criminal defense in Pennsylvania, and we can help you to recognize your rights and ensure that those rights are being protected. Our Criminal Law Team is here to defend you. Contact the LLF Law Firm by scheduling a consultation online or by calling 888-555-3686 today.
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